
  • 200g Self Raising Flour
  • 1tsp Baking Powder
  • 50g Castor Sugar
  • 2 Whole Eggs
  • 100ml Milk
  • 50g Chocolate Chips
  • 100g Butter
  • 1 Bottle Maple Syrup


1.       For the maple butter, whip 50ml of the maple syrup and butter together. Leave in the fridge until ready.

2.       In a large bowl, add in the flour, baking powder and sugar and whisk together to incorporate.

3.       In a jug, whisk the eggs and milk together.

4.       Pour this gradually into the flour mix, whisking continuously; you should have a lovely thick batter.

5.       Heat a non-stick frying pan with a good splash of oil. Once the oil is hot, keep at a medium temperature and using a tablespoon, spoon in 3 lots of mixture. You won’t fit any more in, as they will spread a little and rise.

6.       Cook on one side for a minute, bubbles will start to form on the raw side. Flip over, cook for another minute, then flip again. They should be golden and firm(ish) to touch.

7.       Serve onto a plate, top with the maple butter and pour over extra if desired!

8.       Eat immediately!

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