
  • 2 small pumpkins
  • 1 pack Kerrygold Vintage Cheddar (grated)
  • 250g chanterelles
  • 3 tbsp pumpkin seeds
  • 1 handful nuts and berries mix
  • 50g Kerrygold Original Irish Butter
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1/2 onion
  • 1 sprig fresh rosemary
  • 2-3 sprigs of fresh thyme
  • 80g fresh spinach leaves
  • Salt & Pepper
  • 500g rice


1. Carefully cut any bumps off the bottom to straighten the bottom of the pumpkin so that it does not fall over while stuffing it later. Cut open the top of the pumpkins and set them aside.

2. Remove the seeds from the inside of the pumpkins and hollow them out. Then rub the inside lightly with a little olive oil and season strongly with pepper and salt.

3. Prepare the grill to 200 degrees direct heat and the oven to 180 degrees circulating air. Cook the pumpkins upside down for about 30 to 45 minutes until they are soft but still firm.

4. Briefly blanch the spinach leaves in boiling salted water and then quench in ice water so that it does not continue to cook.

5. Cook the rice according to manufacturer instructions and set aside.

6. Clean the chanterelles, finely chop the onion and heat 50g of Kerrygold Butter in a pan. First fry the onions until translucent, then add the whole rosemary, thyme and garlic and cook with them. Finally, add the chanterelles to the pan and fry and cook for a few minutes. Now add the garlic, thyme and rosemary can be removed again.

7. Add the spinach, rice and the nut and berry mixture to the pan and mix. Season with salt and pepper and keep warm.

8. As soon as the pumpkins are cooked, add 2/3 of the pack of Kerrygold grated Vintage Cheddar to the pan and mix well. Now fill the pumpkins with the mixture from the pan and add more grated Vintage Cheddar to the filling.

9. Put the filled pumpkins back on the grill or in the oven for approximately 15 minutes. After the Vintage Cheddar has melted slightly, remove the pumpkins out of the oven and add the remaining grated cheddar to the top of the pumpkins.

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