
  • 1kg Boneless Rolled Lamb Leg
  • 50g Kerrygold Salted Butter
  • 4 Sprigs of Rosemary, stripped from stalk and chopped
  • 2 Garlic Cloves, minced


1. Preheat the oven to 210C/190 C Fan/Gas Mark 6.
2. Mix together the butter, rosemary and garlic in a bowl.
3. Place the lamb joint onto a suitable roasting tray coat with half of the butter and roast for 1 hour to 1 hour 15 for pink, 1hr 30 plus for well done.
4. Remove from the oven and rest for 15 minutes brushing the remainder of the butter over to melt.
5 Carve and serve alongside your favourite Sunday dinner accompaniments.

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