

  1. Preheat the oven to 180c. Grease and line two 20cm cake tins.
  2. In a large bowl mix the cocoa and boiling water to form a paste. Add the butter, sugar, flour, baking powder and milk. Crack the eggs one at a time and add to bowl. Using the electric mixer on slow speed, beat for 2 minutes until smooth.
  3. Divide the cake mixture between the prepared tins. Bake for about 25-30 minutes, or until well risen and shrinking away from the sides of the tin. Remove from the tins and leave to cool before decorating.
  4. To decorate: Melt the chocolate and butter in a glass bowl over a pan of simmering water, making sure the base doesn't touch the water. When melted, stir gently until smooth.
  5. To create a flat surface for the icing, carefully take an even thin slice horizontally from the top of the cakes. Break this into crumbs.
  6. Put the base of the cake on a cake stand and spread the top with blueberry jam. Add the second cake. Pour the icing over the top, letting it dribble over the edges. Decorate with blueberries and cake crumbs.

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